2008 - A good year so far, not counting the soaring gas prices and endless months   of this presidential campaign BS. Just think, 300 million citizens in this country and  this is the best we could do! A special thanks to PJ for taking all the pictures.       =====================================================================

 And now for some plain ol' Goofin' Off. Some (all) of it alcohol-induced.      




Shouldn't this have a WIDE LOAD sign tacked on there somewhere?






Don't need to add much more here.




Look, someone threw away a perfectly good drunk and missed the dumpster completely.




It was Musical Chairs Night at the senior center. Buncha damn Dickheads 





Nice pecs, but you forgot to put the potato .......                IN THE FRONT.



Officer Tom (no last names, if you please) was reluctant to oblige the lady with a Parade Dollar for her garter...




...until he found out she was of legal age.  Thereafter kept trying  to borrow dollars to keep the scam going.




Rookie Reed shows why he takes after his mom (dad's moobs are bigger).




"moobs" = man boobs





Say ladies. what's that furry thing between your, er.......uh, legs.