The traditional 1st Saturday ride on the Tom Horn Float. This year two studly gents were joined by Cheyenne's Toni & Kelli, plus two of Seattle's fine hides, then Nebraska's Erin & Mary. That's a nice eclectic state assemblage. Throw in some California flavor and an expatriot from there for good measure. Oh yeah, the everloving Louise presided as Madame Otero.
Introducing Glee Nett, Exec. Dir. of the Children's Western Wish Foundation. Visit their website and make a donation to help kids. She hung with the boys for several days, never fading, ever upbeat, cheerful, and dressed to the nines.
"Who you calling 'Boy' you young whipper-snapper. I got a yard of meat, nads the size of oranges, and enough hair on my ass to weave an Indian Blanket."
"As for you runnin' all over the goddam street at 6,000' elevation while old bastards like me run after you... oh hell, I forgot where I was goin' with this. I need to empty my colostomy bag and take a nap."